
Technical Project Introduction

My technical projects during and after my Flatiron bootcamp were inspired by friends, family, and students. In each project I identified what information the user needed and then designed a web application to collect and organize that data.

Each project was either designed to utilize a technology I was learning or was designed with the technologies that best suited the purpose of the application.

Specific technologies used for each project are listed in the project descriptions below.

These projects were hosted on Heroku, but are no longer live. Code is still available on Github.


travel photo

My Travel Stats

  • Designed React frontend to render information requested from a RESTful API.
  • Utilized React hooks (useState, useEffect) in function components to set and update local state.
  • Requested data from REST countries API using the Fetch API and form input.
  • Transformed data using Javascript methods to render lists, display images, and calculate stats.
Github Repository
website logo

Open OKR

  • Collaborated with lead developer using Basecamp’s Shape Up methodology to create a platform for teams to manage Object Key Results.
  • Contributed to object-oriented design and maintainable code using weekly live code reviews and git version control.
  • Led development of React 16 web application utilizing hooks to manage state and axios to make requests to the Rails API.
  • Implemented authentication using JWT and created a custom hook to manage user state.
  • This repository is no longer available on Gitlab

Food Emissions

  • Designed dynamic web application with Ruby on Rails and MVC organization for AP Environmental Science Students to research greenhouse gas emissions from their diets.
  • Built backend using Active Record and SQLite to persist data. Changed database to PostgreSQL to host on Heroku.
  • Authenticated users with OmniAuth (Github and Google logins).
Github Repository
website logo

Vegas in Miami

Small Business Website

This website was built for Ms. Vegas, former America's Got Talent contestant, and entrepreneur in Miami. It was designed to market her services, collect request for bookings, and allow her to create, update and delete information for the website. To meet the requirement of marketing services, I created a single page application with React that uses hooks, event handlers, and fetch requests to access information from an API backend. To allow Ms. Vegas to create, update, and delete the information, I built the API backend with Rails and used the ActiveAdmin gem to create an admin dashboard. ActiveAdmin handles the authentication and authorization to make sure the information is secure. Although we have now implemented a button to connect to Acuity for scheduling, I originally wrote a form so that clients could request specific bookings without having to create an account using the booking request forms. When a form was filled out for a specific appointment (available time-slots are added using the admin dashboard), on submit the form is emailed using formspree and also a fetch request is used to change the appoint status from available to requested. The rails controller for the time-slots only render those that are available to prevent multiple clients from requesting the same time-slot. This feature can still be seen in the demo video. The Request Services form still serves as an example of a form that requests information from the API, but only triggers a formspree email without a post reqest to the API.

Frontend Github Repository Backend Github Repository Video Demo
website logo

Debbie's CPR

Small Business Website

  • Constructed Ruby on Rails backend API with ActiveAdmin dashboard to create, update, and delete information.
  • Built application with React 16 utilizing classes, life cycle methods, event handlers, and fetch requests to access and update information from the API. Setup RESTful routes with React Router.
  • Decreased load time by hosting React frontend on Netlify to access data from backend API on Heroku.
Debbie's CPR is a small business that uses the website for booking classes. It is transitioning from using google sites and forms for booking to using a third party booking and payment service. This new version of the website provides updated design along with an easy to use admin dashboard to make creating, editing, and deleting information on the website easier for the business owner. A form connected to form spree (emails the form information) replaces the use of personal phone number and email for communication to improve privacy and efficiency.

Frontend Github Repository Backend Github Repository